Wednesday, June 3, 2009



In the discussion in Chapter 1 is in addition to introducing the basics of audio at the same time also introduce a new blog for me. Hopefully there is with this blog we can take the same science that are useful.

To start learning tutorial that will give me, the most of it you always read regularly in the next tutorial, do not skip some of the tutorial, because you may be confused or not very familiar with what I mean.

In each discussion, I will give you the download link files such as file tutorial book (ebook) format can be .Docx or .Pdf or the other is, can the software file format .Exe, .Rar or .Zip file, a combination of (fill its-kind kinds of file formats). Its function so that you can easily practice.

Good for a first step, pleaseRECORDINGthe tutorial PART 1.

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